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My Absolute Daily Shake

When I started fitness for weight loss with my first Beachbody programs I had already started on my path to nutrition and clean eating. For some reason I was completely opposed to supplements in any shape or form and didn't have a coach to help me. I was actually opposed to that as well. It only makes sense that after embracing it fully I had to become a coach to help others right? Oh the irony, I know!

It all came together a while later when a friend invited me to join her groups and I became open to trying this famous shake. To my surprise it contained many of the ingredients I was already adding to my homemade smoothies- and more! The ingredients are key components in building immunity, and the philosophy is consistent with the science that shows nutrient dense foods to be therapeutic as well as preventive for illness, digestive issues, slowing metabolism and obesity. Can I also tell you the maca root makes me feel happy and the protein is just enough to make me feel as satisfied as though I've had a full meal.

Best of all for me, there are non dairy, vegan varieties. 

ShakeOlogy curbed my cravings for snacks and brought my weight down further another 10 lbs with the same effort, that is, working out at the same rate and with the same intensity, rotating programs for variety. Shakeology was the ONLY thing I changed and for additional results. It regulated my digestion and assisted me in ensuring that extra boost over and above my (finally) healthy diet.

Just think, each shake contains the equivalent of: 

3 cups of romaine lettuce

4 cups raw mushrooms

1 shot of wheat grass

1 bowl of exotic fruit

3 raw onions

7 raw carrots

4 cups non fat yogurt

4 cups red radishes

4 cups raw broccoli

1 cup of peas

10 cups of raw cauliflower

ALL of these foods are natural immunity boosters. Getting them all in daily keeps my immune system ready at all times. 

And it tastes great!

There are so many recipes and creative suggestions for enjoying your shake that you could literally have a different one every day.   Most days I just shake mine up in 6 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond or coconut milk, some ice and 6 oz of water and it's just perfect out the door.


Other days I can get fancy with recipes like adding some frozen fruit, frozen spinach or kale, 1/4 avocado or a tsp on almond butter and making any thicker version I might fancy. Make it a meal or a snack, it's something I miss if I run out, for sure. 

Ideally bundling is the way to go when it comes to savings and I am available for consultation to help you make the choice best suited for you.  But if all you need right now is ShakeOlogy then you can select a flavor and purchase here:  
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