Fall in Love with your New You Resolution
'Tis the Season! New Year’s Day is one of my FAVORITE times of the year and for me, is filled with wonderment, hope, and energy. It’s a...

Intuitive Self Care & Eating
Intuitive eating and self-care go hand in hand. learn more here.

Exercise for Wellness; Honoring Breast Cancer Warriors & Friends
Fact, people who exercise can and do get cancer. If they didn’t, we might consider exercise a cure. However, it is also true that...

Back Pain Relief and Core
I am fascinated by how well our bodies are designed to operate. The intricate detail around the construction of our musculoskeletal...

Do you Dribble off Court?
Have you ever sneezed a slightly wet one, and I don’t mean snots- or found yourself unable to control the frighteningly sudden and...